Paill Plus  Erasmus and Kinkajou Erasmus and Kinkajou











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Dr XxxxxDr Xxxxx :. The trouble with treating people to the extent you are able for these conditions, is you begin to realise that even people who are fully treated, occasionally do not fully respond to treatment.
Erasmus Erasmus Profile:. Ah! Often the benefit of Paill treatment is substantial. But for some people, you realise that there is perhaps something else going on.

Dr XxxxxDr Xxxxx :. Thus, at this stage you have become suspicious about what exactly is going on. Perhaps a new agent? So you consider, (knowing about Paill) what should a new disease agent should look like. And this allows you to draw up a list of specifications for a new infecting agent.

Stealthy – a disease which causes at most minor illness, which fades rapidly, leaving no obvious chronic infective state as could be diagnosed from the bloodstream/blood tests.

Successful – a disease which should get to almost 100% infection rates by 12 months of age. Preferably you would even want it to be built into your chromosomes so you can pass it on to your children without having to catch it first.

Immune focus – a disease which bypasses or manipulates the immune system with deleterious effects to the human being. Immune focus also is stealthy as the symptoms of the disease vary so much depending on your expectations of health and wellness. Doctors are trained to look at the "bad / ill" events, but not at the processes underlying these events.

Chronic And Insidious – with a lag time of at least decades between infection and clinical effects. In short, so much delay that doctors never really put two and two together. They have forgotten the initial symptoms even when they are dealing with the late effects.

Goo Goo :. There cannot be that many biological infective agents with that specification in existence, can there?

DNA Sequence

Dr XxxxxDr Xxxxx :. Researching this specification checklist became scary. What research suggested was that the agent was a virus. It exceeded our specifications, integrating into several chromosomal sites. It affects the maturation of immune competent lymphocytes and consequently affects cell repair as well. (Lymphocytes and macrophages are the first responders of the body's “repair” system). I call this agent CRRI.

At this point, you again realise you are dealing with more fingerprints of high-technology.

You begin to question yourself: “What else have I missed?”. Are there more agents? Is there any evidence in history of the introduction of other agents? And here the Bible triumphs. We discover the plateaus of the ages of patriarchs. This suggests a third agent, most deadly of them all.

Erasmus Erasmus Profile:. There is indeed a third agent- say the graphs. But what could it be?

Dr XxxxxDr Xxxxx :. My paranoia was having problems with another feature of chronic efficient illnesses. Granularity! To be effective as a stealthy disease, every person (100%) must be as affected as everyone else. There can be no exceptions. As soon as there are even small numbers of people surviving substantially longer than others, the question needs to be asked: “Why is one person doing so well, when another person is doing so badly?”.

A friend had gone overseas and had managed to catch something unusual. We were working through a number of treatments for a number of possible and common illnesses. We actually worked out that it was highly likely the friend had caught a light dose of one of the filarial illnesses.

But then he reported an unusual observation. He was taking a treatment for odd "rare" but low symptom diseases. Normally he would get quite a lot of persistent symptomatic insect bite itches on his skin after working outside on the weekend. He reported this symptoms did not occur, or that these symptoms were substantially reduced on a number of weekends – with this particular medication regime. A strange medication regime.

Insect Bites
Insect Bites: That's it. Nothing to worry about. It all goes away and you feel well or as well as ever for ages. Why would you think then that you have caught a lethal disease?

Dr XxxxxDr Xxxxx :. I suddenly realised what we’re dealing with.
There are a number of candidates calling from medical school. I particularly remember some student mates saying “oh yeah – I can recognise that”. I remember in particular thinking myself that if the patient turned up with an inked diagnosis written or tattooed on their forehead by God himself, I would still have trouble recognising and diagnosing it. In fact, I would consider that there was no way would I ever recognise a case in my entire life, even if I was surrounded by them.
Kinkajou Kinkajou Face :. Prophetic thought?

Dr XxxxxDr Xxxxx :. Let’s look back on our checklist for success of our next high-efficiency agent - LLIAP.

– A disease which causes effectively no illness whatsoever especially at onset of infection, which fades rapidly, leaving no obvious chronic infective state as could be diagnosed from the bloodstream/blood tests. There is no reason to worry about illness. Obviously, the person affected has had a bit of an itchy allergy and it has all gone away. Time to move on with life and forget about it. You don’t even ever get sick from it. At most just a few red spots.

Successful – A disease causing " beyond" 100% infection rates. To remove the issue of granularity, you need a disease which you can catch at least a few times in your lifetime yet die not one day sooner.

Immune focus – A disease which bypasses or manipulates the immune system with deleterious effects to the human being.

Chronic And Insidious – with a lag time of at least decades between infection and clinical effects. In short, so much delay that doctors never really put two and two together.

In looking at our “oh yeah – I can recognise that ", candidate from medical school”, we had a number of starting points. The disease was a bacterium. Even in its severe forms, it is almost impossible to tell whether patient has been successfully treated or whether the patient is even infected. The organism would need an exceptional transmission system – for example much better than mosquitoes for malaria.
Malaria spreads ineptly though it is very deadly to many.
To be able to spread the disease to humans, the mosquito must first catch the disease from an infected human. Only then can it spread the infection.
Erasmus Erasmus Profile:. Inept! Clumsy! Inefficient! Slow! Lots of people can get sick, but lots of people get lucky and may never catch the illness. Mosquitoes are very visible and annoying and easy to screen for as well. You’re not going to have a world killing infection if you’re using mosquitoes is a vector.

Kinkajou Kinkajou Face :. How would it spread?  

Dr XxxxxDr Xxxxx :. Something invisible would be ideal. An insect of course. But an aggressive one. Our friends experience working outside gave us a starting point for study of possible vectors. Then we made a real discovery. ( Actually other researchers made the discovery. We just realised the significance).

Dr XxxxxDr Xxxxx :. Researching, we discovered further adaptations of the LLIAP organism.

Integration with the vector genetics – the infecting organisms’ chromosomes being present in the salivary glands in the ovaries of the insect vector. But the chromosome numbers are reduced in the somatic cells of the insect body.

Optimisations of the insect vector – change in the chromosome number of the somatic cells of the insect, the ability to stop its growth in unfavourable conditions then to restart them in more favourable conditions, a proboscis which saws through the skin maximising the ability of the infecting organism to spread into the skin, irritation effects in the affected areas skin which attract lymphocytes and especially macrophages (the target cells), a suspicion of chromosomal bootstrapping to enable 100% biosphere infestation.

Invisible Insect
Invisible Insect


To spread malaria mosquitoes must first acquire the disease by biting an infected human. LLIAP is different. Every vector is infected and able to transmit the infection genetically to other vectors in mating through the addition of an extra mitosis phase in the process of meiosis. And every bite is a potential human infection.

An invisible insect vector – effectively too small to see, with an attack rate I suspect is at least 10 times that of a mosquito. You will find these vectors in concrete jungles, hundreds of metres away from any vegetation where they may hide.
And too small to insect screen for. They go straight through mosquito screen mesh. And not possible to see. Awesome!

No See Ums
No See Ums


Erasmus Erasmus Profile:. And did you work out if there was such an agent?
Dr XxxxxDr Xxxxx :.Yes : LLIAP.
Now the unexpected:
I believe the third agent is a bacterium – but a complex bacterium. You would normally expect considerable evolution/devolution of such an organism over time. And it appears that there have been substantial changes in the DNA sequence but with a surprisingly small number of variants emerging over several thousand years with retention of stealthy effectiveness.
And – an unusual solution to the issue of granularity.

It is a lethal disease, shortening your life essentially to- threescore and 10 years. But it is a disease which you can catch 100 to 1000 times in your lifetime, but still not die one day sooner than if you had only caught it just once.
It is a disease that you would in fact probably catch many many times in your life.
It affects macrophages. So when you start running out of macrophages, the infection is slowed down +++++++

And the organism has awesome ability to induce enzymes which minimise the effect of chemical control agents upon it.

Commandant Commandant:. This thing is built more like a tank than infantryman, able to take punishment.

Dr XxxxxDr Xxxxx :. The best simple analogy I can give is owning a car. Most of us have probably owned many cars over our lives. The exterior look and the paintwork may change, but the basic design with the internal combustion engine has shown very little variance over decades. Same with LLIAP.

This organism similarly is likely to have developed a large number of serovars (serological variants) which you can catch again and again and again, but all having the same basic internal DNA programming. In effect an infection that you can catch many times.

And because everyone is likely to have caught the infection many times in their lives, it removes the issue of granularity. There are no: “gets” and “don’t gets”. This is because everyone has experienced the infection so repetitively and so often, that it appears to have an even effect profile across the entire population – or as close to it as you could possibly expect.

Having caught the disease once, your immune system produces antibodies effectively clearing the germ from the systemic circulation. However it persists with apparently minuscule effect within the bone marrow affecting macrophage antigen presentation and killing macrophages.

This slowdown of the immune mechanism causes immune cell anergy resulting in sluggish disease immune response and in slow repair of tissue damage.

Goo Goo :. If you can't see them maybe we can call them "No See Ums".

Kinkajou Kinkajou Face :. Good Idea but too late. Someone else suggested it first.

Goo Goo :. What you mention is awesome biotechnology here. On many many different levels.

Dr Axxxx Dr Axxxx:. A very elegant solution in effect entrenching infection within the biosphere and guaranteeing one hundred percent penetration of insect vector populations and perfect (100% - 10000 %)  exposure of target populations to the germ with bites.

Goo Goo :. And being invisible helps too. Both for the vector and other disease. But, As I said before, you cannot hide the signs of superior technology - and especially superior bio-technology.


Kinkajou Kinkajou Face :. The vectors are not really invisible. They just too small to be easily seen. Effectively invisible. But if you really start looking for them you start seeing the little critters absolutely everywhere.

Its scary how many you see when you really start looking and realise what is going on.

And the focus on macrophage  infection guarantees minimal symptoms due to a limited number of macrophages being  in existence, but an endless ability to recreate more. What you lose especially is the  macrophage activation. Hence immune system and cell repair - anergy.


Goo Goo :. As I said before, every serial killer gives himself (or herself) away. Are there other clues for this?
Dr XxxxxDr Xxxxx :. We discuss this more in our longevity pages. The key extra evidence in subsequent history of ill intent is based on the reusability of the CCR5 receptor.

 CCR5 Is short for calcium channel receptor number 5. The calcium channel receptor essentially forms a gateway from the outside of the cell to the inside of the cell. And it is a complex gateway to understand and manipulate. Once you have worked out a solution, the temptation must be to use the solution or the basic science related to the solution again and again to save you time and money in future work.

Research suggests that this agent is important in all of our three first Paill agents in gaining access to the intracellular environment.

But history suggests that it has been used subsequently in other “most efficient in class” killers.

Dr Axxxx Dr Axxxx:. If you look for efficiency of lethal purpose, intelligent design stands out.

Dr XxxxxDr Xxxxx :. The new organisms that stood out from the pack included the Yersinia pestis bacteria, agent of the Black death, and the HIV virus.

Yersinia pestis
Yersinia pestis

Goo Goo :. I think the key issue which saves the human race from substantially greater destruction by Yersinia pestis is the poor status of health of humans living at the time. Poor nutrition compromises immune function, guaranteeing poor chemotaxis of lymphocytes and macrophages, in essence reducing the infections’ virulence.

There is a substantial difference between laboratory success and real-world success. Limited lymphotaxis and limited macrophage chemotaxis would reduce death rates substantially- possible by up to 10-20%, I would guess. Such percentages make a big difference in population survival and recovery.
Dr XxxxxDr Xxxxx :. Apparently, Yersinia pestis also utilizes to some extent the CCR5 gateway for cell access.

The HIV virus, had it been introduced several hundred years ago, could well have been a civilisation buster. Human beings like to have sex – frequently and often and this facilitates the spread of this infection, especially if there are existing co-infections which reduce the epithelial barriers. ( As in a world with no antibiotics and no capacity to recognise or trait any of a number of sexually transmitted diseases). The HIV virus definitely uses the CCR5 receptor to access the internal cellular environment.


Goo Goo :. To even think of such a virus suggests an intense familiarity with human beings.

Dr Axxxx Dr Axxxx:. Not bad, since the familiarity is not reciprocated.

Erasmus Erasmus Profile:. To some extent the introduction of both of these agents represented a strategic disaster.

Deployment of the plague bacillus in the early 1300s, reduced the human population to the point where the feudal system of government was unable to function. There were too few peasants and too few " low level people" to allow minimal payments for labour. The individual began to be valued and paid more and to develop new rights.
And the Renaissance was born.

The Black death (Yersinia pestis) ushered in the Renaissance by breaking down the manpower underpinning the feudal system of economics.

The HIV virus today simply served focus our attention on how the virus and immunity worked and has in effect taught us an immense amount about immunity.

Kinkajou Kinkajou Face :. Any other evidence you think may be important?
Dr XxxxxDr Xxxxx :. The next critical mistake that history reveals is seeing the the same logistic gap appearing in the history of the longevity of the patriarchs in the Bible. There are 600 year gaps between releases of infestations of Yersinia pestis 1, Yersinia pestis 2 and HIV.

Commandant Commandant:. To my mind it suggests travel time to and from home base.
Now to have a number of points at the same level of about 450 years of age, that means there must have been a stable situation for 450 years plus at least two generations. If you count out the time interval, it suggests a gap of about 600 years between the release of interventions or mechanisms causing life reduction .
These logistic gaps are obvious in the appearance of the major Yersinia outbreaks and in the time delay till HIV was introduced.

Goo Goo :. A cacophony of illness and purpose.

Dr Axxxx Dr Axxxx:.  God does things purposefully.

Goo Goo :. Yes, but last I looked around, I think he was on our side.

Dr Axxxx Dr Axxxx:. Maybe they have a god too. Evil gods for the evil ones.

Erasmus Erasmus Profile:. Leave it.
Kinkajou,give us the benefit of your opinion after eyeballing all that we've said.

Kinkajou Kinkajou Face :. The issues that I have seen which may be significant in this discussion include:
The causative organism is so unusually monomorphic: it does not evolve or degrade and long term there are minimal varieties or only a single variety of the infective organism in existence. Not like CoVid where there are new varieties or mutants appearing each few months.
The iterations of infection spaced by approximately 500- 600 years show a suspicious similarity to other previously noticed infection patterns. The timeframe suggests logistical restraints in deployment and implementation.

Erasmus Erasmus Profile:. Perhaps. You can look at history with interest ands suspicion. One thing remains obvious. The germ is a weapons grade germ. It is a killing machine. All the Paill Spectrum of organisms and Yersinia and HIV are all efficient and deadly killing machines, designed to reduce the duration of human life.
If there were multiple deployments over time frames we have noticed, there does seem to be a distinct clumsiness in the process, not at all what you would expect from intelligence that would be capable of designing such an organism.

Goo Goo :. Still deployment of weapons in remote sites and without supervision is / was problematical. The difference between the laboratory and the field can be very significant.


